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Members of the Klein Party

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The Klein Party now seems to have eight members:









Eric Ray "Eray" Anderson (ukulele & vocals) comes from Tacoma and has lived in Seattle since 1981.

He is a graduate of the University of Puget Sound. He has been a Ukulelist since the mid-oughts.

He plays in The Miss Mamie Lavona Band and Eray and the Lost Positives, has recorded with

Golden Robot Army and  “Awesome” (both the live show and the album of Delaware: a Subtle Spectacular),

and loves to sit in with various musical buddies. He is also a professional actor who has appeared in countless stage productions locally and nationally, and on a few TV shows too.











Brandon Campbell (saxophones)  hails from Portland, and has been living happily in Seattle now since 2015.

He tours the West Coast regularly with Kalimba: The Spirit of Earth, Wind & Fire,

and plays funk and soul with Off the Hook. Prior to Seattle, he lived in Chicago, playing and recording with

The Projects, The Nightcleaners, Seeking Wonderland, and Miss Honey & The Combs,

and in several theatrical productions with Strawdog Theatre, The Hypocrites, The Neo-Futurists, and 2nd Story.









Joe Casalini (bass) has performed throughout the Northwest with Teo Sutton, Dan Greenblatt, Gary Hammond, Jim Paul, Wayne Horvitz, Eric Eagle, Andy Roth, the Music Center of the Northwest Centerpiece Jazz Orchestra, and his own trio. Joe studied in NYC with Lyle Atkinson, Marshall Brown and Clark Suprynowicz and played with

great musicians such as Jimmy Vas, Dennis Charles, C Sharp, Eliot Sharp, and Phillip Johnston.









David Gassner (vocals & percussion) wanted to be a cantor when he was in high school.

Instead, he became a theater actor, director, and producer, working in Seattle since 2004.

He's currently producing director of Radial Theater Project, was founding producing director of 18th & Union,

and was Artistic Director of Theater Schmeater for 3 years in the late 2000's.



Ruby Grynberg (violin) studied classical violin at Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan, Indian ragas in Nepal,

and Andean folkloric violin in Ecuador.  She later developed a total tango obsession –

both the dance and on the violin – and after living in Buenos Aires for a few years,

moved back to Seattle to raise her 4 Argentine boys.  Now that the boys are getting older,

she is thrilled to be dusting off the ol’ fiddle.  She continues to dance all forms of social dance, plays regularly at Bet Alef Meditational Synagogue, and often joins her father, John Engerman, in his cabaret shows.



Mark Lutwak (accordion) has performed and/or recorded with The “Happy” New Yorkers, Julia Francis, Paul McMahon, Rats as Big as Bunnies, Cathy Croce & Other People’s Husbands, Kupa`aina, and The Girlas.

He currenty plays  piano with the Joe Casalini Trio. He has retired from positions with Theatre for Your Mother, Honolulu Theatre for Youth, and Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, but currently runs Snowflake Avalanche.


Sabrina Pope (clarinet & vocals) is a graduate of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.

Most recently, she played in the band Bakelite 78 for seven years

and formed a yet-unnamed woodwind quintet in 2018.

She performs occasionally with Miss Mamie Lavona and the Federal Way Symphony.







Amber Wolfe (vocals & percussion)  is a singer, teaching artist, and aspiring law enforcement officer.

She teaches Neo-Burlesque at Cornish College of the Arts

and is occasionally known as "Café au Lait Olé."

Other music endeavors include Off the Hook: Old Skool Kool, The Abbagraphs,

and Miss Mamie Lavona the Exotic Mulatta and her White Boy Band.

The Klein Party has some important irregular members,

helpful pals,

& welcome musical guests including,

but not limited to:

Zimyl Adler, Laurie Andres, the Automat, Brivele, Maia Brown, Evan Davis,

Eric Eagle, James Falzone, Julia Francis, Marc Gavin, Kim Goldov, Meaghan Gutterman,

Geoffrey Harper, Nancy Hartunian, Robin Holcomb, Kesselgarden, Joanne Klein, Sam Koelle,

Ray Larsen, Larry Leggett, Peter Lippman, Darren Loucas, The Luz Bones, Wendy Marcus,

Bernice Maslan, Erik Reed, Sheridan Riley, Meg Savlov, Shpilkes, Carl Shutoff, The Talne Trio,

Megan Titensor, Ray Larsen, Neil Welch, Y York, and Aimee Zoe

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